This website it for students of English. We are here to help you understand English. We know that everybody can understand jokes. We have many jokes for you. The jokes are in three levels of difficulty. You can choose your level and your can read jokes in English.
We have a special method for choosing words and grammar for Level 1, Level 2 and Level 3. The name of the method is EiL Method. EiL Method helps you understand English fast and step by step. We use only words which you need for your level. In one level we repeat the same words. Then it is easier for you to remember them. So, when you read Jokes in Levels every day, after 2 or 3 or 4 months, you will understand all the words in one level. Then it is time for you to go one level higher.
You can learn up to 3000 words in English with Jokes in Levels. If you practise every day, one day you can understand jokes in Level 3. This should be your goal when you use Jokes in Levels, to understand Level 3 jokes. Level 1 and Level 2 should help you achieve this goal.
When you read jokes, you practise English and you learn but you don’t feel that it is hard work. It is a natural process of learning. You don’t have to study but you learn when you read.
Our philosophy is simple. Use English every day and you will be better every day. If you want to know more about how to learn English fast and effectively, please visit and we will give you more information on how you can do it.
We wish you a great success with learning and we want to thank you for using our website.